Wednesday, April 30, 2003

okay so i did promise.. but this is quite short and sweet so bear with me... ill be better next time.. promise!
once again... this is cheating on my part. after all, i did actually say that i won't be doing updating on my blogs until after i finish up my thesis. the thing is i just watched X2 yesterday and i wanted to say just a little about it. so there...

anyways, its quite a good movie. way better than the first one. the first was bogged down, i believe by the mixed need to please X-Men afficionados as well as not to alienate anybody new to the whole thing.

this one though finally sees a more interesting story. its able to play with its characters making it simply not an angst filled story with lots of action sequences. quite the opposite, this included a lot of different components to it. not only were the actions scenes better, the sequel included some touching scenes (iceman comes out), some "dramatic" moments (when jean...), some funny parts, some parts where you wonder.... (ah, right colossus), as well as other more philosophical parts... (where it seems that their situation parallels today's world).

all in all, its a good watch. there are a lot of things that are involved and i would say that its an action movie where your mind doesn't go to sleep.

(this entry also appears in my alternative blog: sleepyinsomniac

Saturday, April 26, 2003

oh gosh! i can't believe what im doing with my life... i shouldn't even be online right now! and lookit... im here again

so here's the thing ive decided to not update this thing until im able to finish at least my data gathering for my thesis. and considering the itch i get to update this and to learning html im thinking that i might really be pushed towards doing well with my thesis already.

and since im not going to be updating this thing i thought i might as well start now and just finish this here and not take advantage just because im going cold turkey for a couple of days. anyways, i guess this is it for now. see you hopefully in a couple of weeks time... and yeah... PLEASE STRANGLE ME IF I POST HERE BEFORE THAT!

ps. to rb and teach, can't link you guys up yet since im doing the cold turkey thing... but you guys are my first things to do when i get back!

God bless to everyone! be good :)

Friday, April 25, 2003

ok... i do admit it... ive been really hard on blogger lately... and im sorry. its just that my blog was real messed up for a couple of days there and i got pissed off. but its ok now so alls forgiven and forgotten. i got some advice for learning html from a friend so hopefully ill be able to come up with better stuff soon.

on the school front, im still working on my thesis. so i please pray for me friends... as soon as this is through ill be more active in here... for the time being... take care all! God bless :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

i dunno why... really... i have no idea. blogger didn't post my previous blogs again, for the nth time they went missing. i don't get it... what??!?! do they love my post about zidane that much????

anyways, m back at home after spending a couple of days with my mom in her hotel room. she's off to cebu now, and im hoping to spend some quality time with dad before he leaves for oz tonight. ah what i would give so i could go with him or go home....

anyways, a couple of more days with this crap of blogger not posting my stuff and im really shifting to blurty. im currently working on my blog there so check in for that url. im thinking of making it more interesting than this one but since im working more on my thesis nowadays then it might see light by the end of the may yet. in any case, hope you have a good day. God bless! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2003

gahd! finally blogger posted my previous posts!!! so im quite happy now :) (and yeah, im currently that shallow). the thing is though im not supposed to be doing this right now because what i have to do is to write an article that needs to be emailed yet to davao to beat the 4 pm deadline for tomorrow's paper. unfortunately, as may be evidenced by my random ramblings here, i am not in the state of mind for writing. somebody help meeeee!!!!

i just hope im able to send the article... if not im in a lot of trouble. so wish me luck!
darn blogger... seems to have gone a lil nutters lately. they didn't post my latest blogs so now they're a lil stale... and im pissed... so here...

this should take away my pissed offness... hehe.... ain't he hot... and i sooo hope that works... if not then boohoo...

oh and here's another pic.. the one that won't show up from geocities...
there.... hope that finally works... if not then im giving up!

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

darn... apparently geocities don't allow me to link the photos up.... ei... if you guys know what site would please lemme know...

well... manu and arsenal match just finished.... it ended in a 2-2 draw... all i would say is that arsenal could just shut their traps... it shouldn't have been a draw anyways so they should just be thankful of the luck that they got.

imma be out for a couple of days... im gonna be housesitting for my aunt and im not sure if she has net connection so i might not be able to update till saturday. so this is bye for now... have a good vacation! :)

Monday, April 14, 2003

hey... i finally was able to upload some of the pix from last friday night's eb at noelle's... lemme see now if this works....

oh and additional links will be put up later :)

and thanks to everyone who signed in the guestbook... ill get back to your entries once the freakin thesis is over :p
well what would you know... now that i actually learned something new such that i can actually post something pretty worthwhile here i find myself too lazy to actually do it! i can't believe what a sloth ive become... too lazy to do something while just sitting down and having to work only your fingers! dag nammit!!!

on the other hand, im not really surprised, given the revelations that i have had these past couple of days, not to mention the fact that ive finally proven my theory that i have a high tolerance level for @$(0#)l, lets just say that my mind is pretty much fried right now and im not really in the mood to think too much. hehe :p

ive finally exorcised the demons of watching real beat manu 3-1 last tuesday though... ahhh... there's nothing like seeing the whipping paul scholes and co. gave newcastle early sunday morning. dang that barthez though for suddenly being complacent, the goals difference deficit was a goner by then but one small mistake gave arsenal back one... but what they hey... scoreline still said 6-2, and i should be happy enough with that.

notice how i keep on hopping from one topic to another... that's how weird i am right now... ive just submitted an article this morning to be published in tomorrow's paper (that's in the Mindanao Daily Mirror), which incidentally is the daily in Davao City i write for but i don't have a link for in this page simply because they took out their site... too bad.... anyways, my point being that my mind is fried enough that i think the article is a bit sucky. but hey, ill do better next time!

finally, before i quit all these random blabs... lemme just say this... ive not put a single Filipino word here since i put this site up for reasons unknown to me.. all i know is that when i suddenly think in taglish, before i even type up the tagalog word i stop and search for the english counterpart immediately. i wonder why given the fact that i love this country very much and i have nothing at all against using Filipino... but then again i think about it and maybe its also just that i want anybody who happens to read this to understand it so there.

just got an SMS and i think its my friends finally telling me that i could leave the house now and they're on their way to meet me so ill shut my trap now and log out...

in the meantime, take good care of yourselves. God bless :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

its like watching cream cheese being spread on a bagel... that's how i would describe watching zidane as he pushes the ball up the pitch.... ahhh... such grace! but darn if i don't hate his team right now!

on other news... seems like news reports are sprouting around and about that jennifer garner and michael vartan (whom i love.... really really love) are dating.... trust all those newspaper folks to pair em up so soon after her split with hubby scott foley. however, i wouldn't be super surprised if it turns out to be true though, after all the lip action they've been getting since the superbowl ep.

shout out to annings for teaching me some stuff the other night... haven't tried putting em to use as of yet... maybe when my thesis is a little better... but for now thanks for teaching me!

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

first off... for crazy manchester united commentary i suggest that you not visit your typical websites... instead lemme redirect you to Kim

moving on, i finally finished my ojt for GAP today... ahhhh.... all i can say is thank you for the blessings! haha. well, truth be told, the shower of blessings was not as plentiful as i had hoped. all my efforts were rewarded with 2 shirts and 2 capris. but hey, that was more than i freakin got from my other practicum so there! :p (the irony of the whole thing being, the shirts i got were banana republic, and the capris were old navy so i didn't really get anything GAP... fine.... not really interesting but hey my site!)

oh and i took another one of those quizzy thingies that i get from Pai's site... and this is what it told me...

Are you Addicted to the Internet?


Newbie (21% - 40%)
You've started to learn that there is more to the internet than AOL. You've recovered from that email virus that wiped your hard drive and are thinking of getting DSL. You still tend to forward too many jokes and inspirational thoughts via email to your entire address book.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!

well... i don't really say that i agree with it but then again what would i know....

so today being tuesday (well, its actually early morning wednesday now...) anyhow, i fell into what would i would call now my Tueday evening sleeping disorder which attacks me... hey! give that gal 100 points... every tuesday night thus causing me to miss whose line and smallville. Thank God for AXN and their wonderful replays of Alias at 1 in the morning, i am saved from myself! yeaheee

well so anyways, i am loving this ass kickin show! of course having my baby vartan's mug just increases the ever wonderful experience..

so anyways, imma be putting up more stuff but i can't find the other things i wanted to put in... so this is it for now... links, images and others would be on later today (if i have the time)

in the meantime, keep yourself free from drugs, God bless :)

Sunday, April 06, 2003

ei y'all... im delighted to note that the links worked!!! im soooo happy i could jump around and dance like mad! hahaha

oh and thanks to Pia and Yam for signing the guestbook! imma give you your prize as promised next time pai! lol

sooo... it would seem like i would not be able to revise the whole thing tomorrow as some stuff have come up and i might hafta be out of the house for the whole day. but i guess all the things that ive done this past weekend should suffice for now. oh man, as soon as i figure out how to do this whole html thing this is gonna be a blast! hahaha :p

thanks for reading! God bless

Saturday, April 05, 2003

there.... hmmm first off, i stuck a guestbook link in here somewhere and since i don't know jack about html i wouldn't know exactly what the link will look like, where it is and how all these will work but if you find it, please do sign it! thanks... haha... first one who will gets a prize from moi! lol... serious about that!

one thing i have to learn soon though is the archive thing... ive already lost my first couple of posts and i have to learn how to do this soon...

on other stuff i was in megamall during the later part of this day just doing some stuff and i hit powerbooks, unfortunately for me, i had already done my book shopping for the month so even though i was sorely tempted i had to pass up buying the teach yourself html books... sides i kinda have a feeling that once i get into that i would not be able to give as much time and concentration i need for my thesis so ill save that up as a prize after i finish up with my thesis!

i did have my hair cut though... and nope... nothing too drastic just a coupla inches off... i badly needed it anyway! now if i could only have the money to have a hot oil... hahaha

so there... not much else to say... so i guess catch you guys soon. :)

Friday, April 04, 2003

i tried adding a couple of stuff to the template. im not sure if it will work though.... im plenty glad the link worked though. that's thanks to Tricia . haha... ive still got a lot to learn with the codes and stuff but this first one would suffice for now.

Annings has brought herself a domain. Congratulations! and continues to publish a great site.

As for me and my life... im having fun with blogging and trying to learn new stuff. Noelle and Rhea have finished their thesis defenses and are well on their way to graduating. Congratulations too...

Im taking comfort in the fact that I also have a couple of friends graduating at around the same time as I would this summer... Blessie for one.. I don't know about Sariah. With the SSers, Mina, future doc is looking at grad this summer and as far as I know three from Stephen Speaks are finishing up college around May too.

So that's it for now... more changes coming up... for now... keep the faith! God is good :)
hmm... the template was supposed to have changed already.... i wonder why its still the same...

anyways... here's my first foray into the world of html... hahaha... lemme see if this works:::

just wanted to see if i could direct you to Pia , who was first ever to link me up....

Thursday, April 03, 2003

i changed the title of the blog... don't worry, i still believe God is present even in war...

i just decided to change the title because i didn't want to see the word war in big bold letters anymore...

anyways... this blog is gonna be up for some changes soon... not just now because im a little pressed for time because of deadlines... monday though, being a holiday might see me changing much of this blogs appearance.

in the meantime...

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I forget who said this but i remember this.... Regarding faith, it is like walking blind alongside a cliff knowing these.... that if ever you fall someone will be there to catch you or you will be taught how to fly.

i had social sciences teacher who insists that god is dead... a throwback to freiderich neitzche... thus, we should take all our opportunities for earthly happiness. i am of the thinking that i don't need chemicals to induce happiness. i am happy in the thought and belief that beyond this land and life, i shall live in heavenly splendor, where joy is neverending...

i am happy in my faith and my beliefs... and its not a fake happiness that can only be acheived through inebriation. it is a happiness that is always present and always there...

and what can be better than that? i may go through rough times as evidenced by my previous blogs, but i will bounce back... and i will be happy... because that hapiness is in my heart and not just my head.

i wish for you too this same kind of happiness. i pray that you too will find the love, joy and peace that can be achieved only in His presence. He who completes.